The Expansion Game - Transform Your Fears Into Success
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Gosia Gorna Videos

Are you honest with yourself?


I think that being dishonest with oneself is very costly. 

It leads to feelings of tiredness, exhaustion, resentment, anger, and disappointment.


Being unclear with other people creates confusion - as they don’t know what you need - so they can’t show up in a way that would support you in your life.

Not being honest with yourself and therefore the universe blocks the flow of abundance, manifestation of our desires and new opportunities.


What stops you from being deeply honest with yourself right now?

Maybe you are afraid of being rejected, hurt, or hurting other people?



If you were to give yourself permission to be deeply honest with yourself …

If there was no danger of losing or upsetting anyone, what would you want to express?

  • What would you want to ask for?
  • What would you want to stop doing?
  • What do you need from others?
  • What do you need from yourself?


In this video I am sharing my thoughts about the power of being...

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Why do I walk barefoot?


Why do I walk barefoot?


Today I want to share with you the power of grounding. I can confidently say that grounding (earthing) has changed my life.

For me there is nothing more healing and rejuvenating than walking barefoot after a long day of sitting in front of my computer. All the tiredness, irritability, and headache, melt away within a few minutes of touching the ground. I always feel a sense of joy and peace filling up my body as soon as I connect to the Earth. I get a huge amount of nourishment from wild swimming, walking or growing vegetables.

In the last hundred or so years we have lost something vital for our health and wellbeing: our electrical connection to the Earth. With the advent of rubber and plastic soled shoes, and insulated mattresses in insulated houses, we spend our days and nights disconnected from the Earth.

Negatively charged particles are present on earth’s surface, and you can get negative electrons by planting your feet on the earth.


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How your questions change your life?


Questions have incredible power. The quality of our life depends on the quality of the questions we ask ourselves and others. 

Good question can be like a door which can take you to your best life. Questions also affect your body and your emotions. They can make you feel depressed and deflated or alive and excited within a few seconds.


Every question you ask yourself works like a command for your super surge engine to come up with the right answer. Asking expansive questions sets your intuition in motion.


The difference between empowering and disempowering questions:

Empowering questions feel good when you're asking them. They have an expansive affect on your mind, body, and life. They bring you helpful and life-changing answers, taking you directly to where you want to go.

Disempowering questions are the opposite, they don't feel good when you're asking them, they have constricting, shrinking effect on your mind, body, and your life. They bring confusing,...

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4 reasons why you stay confused


Have you experienced any confusion and overwhelm recently? I had many of those moments in the past 6 months. I discovered that there are certain things that I was doing unconsciously, which prolong this state of confusion.

Here are 4 reasons why you may feel confused or overwhelmed:

1. Getting stuck in your head


Do you keep going around in circles in your head about a decision you have to make? If you are not present in your body and heart, the clarity that you are looking for cannot land fully into your being. In order to receive clear guidance, you need to come back to yourself. When you come back to your body, connect to your heart and become present to the “here and now”, you will be able to hear your inner voice.


3. Rejecting your emotions

One of the stronger causes of confusion, overwhelm and procrastination are unacknowledged emotions. You need to name these emotions, then embrace them with acceptance and love. This will help you to...

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How to deal with fear of not being good enough?


You have a unique set of talents, gifts and abilities. You are the solution to many people’s problems, and they are looking for you right now. When you shine brightly and share your gifts with confidence, everybody benefits in the highest possible way.

Sometimes the fear of not being good enough makes us retreat, procrastinate, play small and hide. In some ways, allowing the feeling of not being good enough makes us selfish, as we don’t show up in our greatness and others experience only part of our potential.

I believe it is time to find our personal way of dealing with this feeling. In this video I am sharing a simple way of shifting this feeling so you can be your greatest self.

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