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4 reasons why you stay confused


Have you experienced any confusion and overwhelm recently? I had many of those moments in the past 6 months. I discovered that there are certain things that I was doing unconsciously, which prolong this state of confusion.

Here are 4 reasons why you may feel confused or overwhelmed:

1. Getting stuck in your head


Do you keep going around in circles in your head about a decision you have to make? If you are not present in your body and heart, the clarity that you are looking for cannot land fully into your being. In order to receive clear guidance, you need to come back to yourself. When you come back to your body, connect to your heart and become present to the “here and now”, you will be able to hear your inner voice.


3. Rejecting your emotions

One of the stronger causes of confusion, overwhelm and procrastination are unacknowledged emotions. You need to name these emotions, then embrace them with acceptance and love. This will help you to access your innate wisdom with greater ease.


3. Disempowering questions

Are you aware that the questions you ask yourself have power over your life and your destiny? The questions you ask yourself every day have a significant effect on the level of your motivation and success. Your inner dialogue can take you away from your desires or trigger your mind to find fantastic solutions and breakthroughs.


4. Ignoring intuition 

Intuition is one of the greatest assets you have. It is here to lead you to your best life, but I’m sure you have made a decision against your gut feeling before. I did it too many times and then I thought “I knew I shouldn’t have done it.” Intuition is available to us at every step of our journey. It’s leading us to great expansion and contribution. 

I am so delighted  to share with you Clarity Activator which is a 7-step prerecorded, online programme. It will help you to successfully deal with your challenges and bring more clarity and  synchronicity into your life. The programme is based on my 20 years of transformational work with thousands of people. It works with the power of your heart and intuition. You can use it over and over again.


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