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Gosia Gorna Videos

How to create miracles?



As you may have noticed in the past few weeks I have recorded a few videos focusing on different aspects of gratitude.

I am so excited to share with you the last in a gratitude series with a powerful method that has totally changed my life. I use this secret tool regularly to manifest miracles.

It will help you to attract amazing relationships, opportunities, money or love into your life.  It can organise your life to make you feel more happy, and peaceful. You will be able to create your best future by being grateful for it in advance.

All you need is a few minutes to open your heart  and think about what you would love to see happening in the future.  Then write it down in a form of a future script, being grateful in advance for what will happen. Read it out loud and feel the joy of your perfect future being manifested already. Always end with a 'thank you, it is done, it is done it is done'. 

I go into more depth explaining this in my programme The...

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How gratitude can help you heal emotionally?


How can gratitude help you to heal and let go of difficult emotions in moments of challenges?

In this video I share what you can do when you are feeling lost, distraught and not quite sure what to do next.

When we have situations in our life that don’t go our way, when we think that things should be different, we tend to fight with reality.


What if this situation is meant to be a challenge?

What if this situation is exactly what I need right now? 

What can I learn from this experience in order to grow and expand?


I know it might be a lot to ask for in a moment of difficulties, but start feeling grateful  in advance for the opportunities to learn and grow as a person. When you do that miracles will start happening in your life.  As you accept, embrace and lean into everything you are experiencing, you’ll be surprised how many transformations, gifts will come to you. When you learn to see the gift in your challenges then your life will be...

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Can gratitude make you wealthy?


We  all know people who are quite wealthy, and they sometimes are not very happy. We also know from research and from travelling around the world, that the poorest people are known as the happiest nations on this planet.

How could that be possible? The simple answer is that they know how to connect with their heart and be happy and grateful for the smallest things in life. They appreciate the sunshine, the rain, breathing in the fresh air, the food they eat, and the people around them. They have mastered the gift and the power of gratitude. 


Imagine what could happen if you brought the energy of gratitude and love into your relationship with money. What would happen if every exchange of money became an exchange of gratitude and love? Your heart will open up and you will become a magnet of unlimited abundance. Instead of tightness, fear and worry, there will be greater flow and ease. Amazing and surprising things will come to you from places you've never...

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From grumpy to grateful.


Use this tool when you feel stuck! 


What do you do when you feel stuck or disappointed and nothing seems to be moving in the right direction?


Today I want to share with you a method that was born spontaneously many years ago, that I still use successfully today. 

This video will show you how you can use a very powerful statement to

  • shift your energy
  • create a feeling of peace and hope
  • attract what you need with ease

Watch the full video and let me know how this technique works for you.  

You can learn more about the power of gratitude in The Successful Heart Programme.  It will help you to connect to your heart and open the most powerful energy channel within you. Using gratitude, blessing and love to effortlessly manifest your best life. 

To find out more follow the link below:


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Are you honest with yourself?


I think that being dishonest with oneself is very costly. 

It leads to feelings of tiredness, exhaustion, resentment, anger, and disappointment.


Being unclear with other people creates confusion - as they don’t know what you need - so they can’t show up in a way that would support you in your life.

Not being honest with yourself and therefore the universe blocks the flow of abundance, manifestation of our desires and new opportunities.


What stops you from being deeply honest with yourself right now?

Maybe you are afraid of being rejected, hurt, or hurting other people?



If you were to give yourself permission to be deeply honest with yourself …

If there was no danger of losing or upsetting anyone, what would you want to express?

  • What would you want to ask for?
  • What would you want to stop doing?
  • What do you need from others?
  • What do you need from yourself?


In this video I am sharing my thoughts about the power of being...

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The Power of Letting Go



Are you fed up with waiting for  things to change? 

Do you need a breakthrough right now?

I have discovered over the years that if I want to attract something new into my life I need to make a space for it first. This means letting go of things, ideas, emotions, relationships or habits that don’t resonate with me anymore. Most blocks and delays shift quickly if you release what doesn’t serve  you.

 It is so important to become good at letting go because it will help  you to manifest whatever you desire in your life.

So, Is there anything in your life that you want to change?

What do you need to let go of in order to make it happen?


You can start letting go in two ways.

1. Clearing space around you: Get rid of things like old clothes, dusty piles of papers, old books and other kinds of clutter.

2. Clearing your inner space: Release resentment, anger, fear, sadness and guilt. 


Those actions will shift your energy, open...

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