Clarity Activator - the 7 step process to activate your intuitive genius.


Gosia  Gorna, creator of the Expansion Game, best-selling author, international speaker and intuitive coach, invites you to her Clarity Activator Programme. 


Amidst the incessant external noise competing for your attention, ‘The Clarity Activator’ beckons you to reclaim your focus and center yourself NOW. In a world saturated with distractions, this course emphasizes a timeless reality: the ability to make outstanding decisions resides within you. No longer can you depend solely on external validation; it's time to nurture your inner clarity and carve out your own path to wisdom and insight. With ‘Clarity Activator,’ get immediate access to your inner clarity and embark on a life-changing journey to navigate work, business, relationships, and health with unwavering confidence.

Throughout history, numerous accomplished individuals have attributed their success to the guiding light of intuition, emphasizing its pivotal role as the cornerstone of their achievements. Now, it's your moment to delve deeper into your own reservoir of inner wisdom.



  • Do you feel unsure about what to do next?  
  • Do you feel frustrated about your procrastination?
  • Do you need to make the right decision, quickly? 


If so you’re in the right place. I am here to show you how to get clarity whenever you need it. 

In fact, I have created a prerecorded online programme called Clarity Activator that you can use to answer your biggest questions and move forward with greater confidence.

Clarity Activator is based on my 20 years of transformational work with thousands of people. It works with the power of your heart, intuition and transforming your fear into success.


Your intuitive wisdom is currently inviting you to step into your best life.


Getting stuck in your head

Do you keep going around in circles in your head about a decision you have to make? If you are not present in your body and heart, the clarity that you are looking for cannot land fully into your being. In order to receive clear guidance, you need to come back to yourself. The first step of the Clarity Activator will help you to do just that. You will come back to your body, connect to your heart and become present to the “here and now”. Only in this state are you able to hear your inner voice.

Rejecting your emotions

One of the stronger causes of confusion, overwhelm and procrastination are unacknowledged emotions. In a process of finding clarity you first need to name these emotions, then embrace them with acceptance and love. You will find that underneath a lot of these emotions hides fear. During this program I’ll help you to transform your fears and tap into the useful messages they have for you. This will help you to access your innate wisdom with greater ease.

Disempowering questions

Are you aware that the questions you ask yourself have power over your life and your destiny? The questions you ask yourself every day have a significant effect on the level of your motivation and success. Your inner dialogue can take you away from your desires or trigger your mind to find fantastic solutions and breakthroughs. The 7 steps of the Clarity Activator invite you to ask expansive and empowering questions, which you can use to shift any situation.

Ignoring intuition 

Intuition is one of the greatest assets you have. It is here to lead you to your best life, but I’m sure you have made a decision against your gut feeling before. I did it too many times and then I thought “I knew I shouldn’t have done it.” Intuition is available to us at every step of our journey. It’s leading us to great expansion and contribution. When you start using the Clarity Activator and act on your intuitive guidance regularly, you will experience more clarity, synchronicity and success in your life.


7 steps prerecorded online programme 


C - Connect with your heart

L - Lead with your desire

A - Ask expansive questions 

R - Recognise your emotions 

 I - Introduce your intentions

T - Transform your fear 

Y - Your Clarity Activation


You will have access to all of the steps as soon as you sign up. 



“Gosia Gorna's Clarity Activator is truly amazing. It is full of useful, straight-to the-point steps and also full of surprises! I got so many insights and A-ha moments during just an hour and a half that I was truly in awe. And, most importantly I got inspirational clarity about the issue that  I have been struggling with for a long time. This program is such an eye-opener! Big recommendation.”

Sanja Plavljanic-Sirola

Feng Shui Master

“The Clarity Activator is a must for those who are looking to have challenging questions answered and for greater clarity in their work and business. I found that going through the 7 steps gave me a great deal of insight into both myself as well as the challenge I was facing . Ultimately it gave me the clarity I needed to propel myself forward . I would highly recommend it.”

Navin Jaitly

Business Owner

“New powerful tool in self-help toolkit! Gosia’s Clarity Activator programme was exactly what I needed to answer my big questions about my current job and career steps. It helped me to connect with my inner wisdom that is holding all the answers but I wasn't hearing it clearly amongst all the noise of everyday life. Gosia’s method is simple and provides step by step guide to reconnecting with the intuition and getting charity in all areas of ones life.”

Sandra Koziel

Project Manager 


“Gosia Gorna's Clarity Activator is truly amazing. It is full of useful, straight-to the-point steps and also full of surprises! I got so many insights and A-ha moments during just an hour and a half that I was truly in awe. And, most importantly I got inspirational clarity about the issue that  I have been struggling with for a long time. This program is such an eye-opener! Big recommendation.”

Sanja Palvljanic-Sirola

Feng Shui Master 

The Clarity Activator is a must for those who are looking to have challenging questions answered and for greater clarity in their work and business. I found that going through the 7 steps gave me a great deal of insight into both myself as well as the challenge I was facing . Ultimately it gave me the clarity I needed to propel myself forward . I would highly recommend it.”

Navin Jaitly

Business Owner

“New powerful tool in self-help toolkit! Gosia’s Clarity Activator programme was exactly what I needed to answer my big questions about my current job and career steps. It helped me to connect with my inner wisdom that is holding all the answers but I wasn't hearing it clearly amongst all the noise of everyday life. Gosia’s method is simple and provides step by step guide to reconnecting with the intuition and getting charity in all areas of ones life.”

Sandra Koziel

 Project Manager

"I love Gosia's Clarity Activator. It's simple, clear and profound. Doing this practice shifted me from a place of stagnation, worry and concern about travel, to a place of feeling confident, clear, and ready to get going to the places that I need to go to. So, if you're feeling tense about something, as though you're not sure how to move forward, do the Clarity Activator, I'd wholly recommend it. Let it shift you from being in a place where you're unable to move, unable to make a decision to a place of clarity. Thank you, Gosia, for this work and for this gift. It's great and will help many people. "

Monica Douglas

Wellbeing mentor, relationship coach 




Clarity Activator will help you to:

  • Get the CLARITY you need to take your next step with confidence.
  • Find the answers to your big questions.
  • Make important decisions.

 What will you need? About 2 - 3 hours of quiet time, notebook, pen and access to the internet.